Newspapers Reach Company Decision-Makers
One of the many choices business managers must make is where to invest their advertising dollars. With so many media options available, it’s crucial to select the outlet that best reaches decision-makers.
Recent research demonstrates that those responsible for making company purchasing decisions are avid newspaper readers who respond to the ads they see. Nearly 7 in 10 company purchasing decision-makers read a newspaper product each week.
Many company’s purchasing decision-makers are also small business owners. According to the 2019 AudienceSCAN® survey, 7.0% of U.S. adults own a small business.
Some characteristics of small business owners include
- The largest percentage of small business owners (23.7%) are age 45 to 54
- 55% of small business owners are male; 45% are female
- Three-quarters of small business owners are homeowners
- Small business owners are 103% more likely than all U.S. adults to have an annual household income above $200,000
- 59% of small business owners work fulltime
- 38% of small business owners vote in every election
- Small business owners are 203% more likely than all U.S. adults to be a frequent business traveler
- Small business owners are 48% more likely than all U.S. adults to read a blog almost every day
In addition to owning their own businesses, small business owners are also valuable consumers who choose to shop locally. Seventy-four percent of small business owners said they prefer to shop at small family-owned or independently-owned businesses.
When asked about their goals for the next year, these small business owners responded
- 54% plan to exercise more
- 47% will eat healthier/lose weight
- 41% will reduce debt/increase savings
- 40% will get better sleep
- 30% will improve their appearance
Businesses such as gyms and health clubs, fitness equipment manufacturers, weight loss centers and programs, natural food stores, vitamin suppliers, financial planners, banks and credit unions, furniture and mattress stores, men’s and women’s clothing stores, makeup providers, cosmetic surgeons and more will find that targeting their marketing efforts toward small business owners will produce lucrative results.
Small business owners are a strong target audience for many types of businesses, and advertising to them through the media they prefer, newspapers, makes good sense. Small business owners are 29% more likely than all U.S. adults to have taken action from a newspaper ad in the past month, and nearly half have taken action as a result of a newspaper ad in the past year. Small business owners are also 34% more likely to read a printed newspaper 6-7 days of the week, and 48% more likely to visit the website of a local newspaper.
If your next campaign is targeting decision-makers or small business owners, MANSI Media can help. Our team can place your advertising into any newspaper or local digital property across the U. S. and Canada. With one call, MANSI will handle your campaign from research to placement to verification. Learn more by emailing