How To Get Vets to Apply for Your Openings
While many companies are willing to employ veterans, smart employers often express a preference for hiring military veterans whenever possible. The decision to seek out veterans extends beyond a sense of patriotic duty; it encompasses a strategic recognition of the myriad benefits they bring to businesses. Veterans often possess a diverse skillset acquired through their […]

How To Hire Recent College Grads for Entry Level Positions
How To Hire Recent College Grads for Entry Level Positions In today’s competitive employment market, finding the right candidate for entry-level positions can be daunting. However, focusing recruiting efforts on college graduates can fill the job applicant funnel while also translating into a range of business benefits, including introducing fresh perspectives, more energy and enthusiasm […]

Newspapers and the election cycle.
The 2024 political season is shaping up to be one for the history books, partly due to political spending. Ad Impact projects the 2023-2024 election cycle will see a record $10.2 billion spent on candidates and issue advocacy causes, while some media outlets report spending forecasts as high as $16 billion. As budgets for political […]

Digital marketing and political ads in 2024
With a projected $16 billion ad spend on the horizon in 2024, political campaigns are setting the stage for a media blitz like no other. From massive fundraising efforts to promoting candidate issues, the race is on to win the hearts and minds of the electorate with digital media again at the forefront of the […]
Why Job Seekers Rely on Social Media
There’s no doubt that social media has become a big part of most American’s lives. We use it to share personal news, post photos, notify friends and family, brag about vacations and celebrate milestones. According to Pew Research, 72% of the American public has at least one social media account, with Facebook, LinkedIn and […]
7 Tips for better recruiting in Pennsylvania
Recruiting new employees has never been more challenging. The PA job market is tight. It’s difficult to find qualified applicants. Employment listings are expensive and they are not always effective. If you’re a small business in Pennsylvania, you’re also competing with big employers with big budgets and more HR resources. With so many obstacles in […]

Digital marketing strategies for the travel industry
By Morgan Edge-Fosmire Digital Media Manager Nothing motivates people to plan a summer vacation like life in the throes of winter. Frigid weather conditions spawn dreams of escape and adventure at the first sign of spring thaw. It makes winter an opportune time for travel marketing specialists to engage would-be vacationers. Because digital marketing is […]
Central PA Employers Face Long-Term Recruitment Challenges
By now, everyone knows employers across America are facing a historic labor shortage. While the pandemic amplified the crisis, it’s actually driven by three long-term trends: an aging workforce, more stay-at-home parents and a boom in self-employment. An Aging Workforce Baby Boomers, Americans born between 1946 and 1964, are one of the largest […]
How Small Businesses Can Compete for New Employees
Everyone agrees that the labor market is tight in Central PA. In September 2023, the Commonwealth announced that the unemployment rate in Pennsylvania had reached a new low of 3.4%. These statistics can feel scary if you are a small business trying to find and hire new employees at any level. In January 2024, […]

The value of niche publications
By Chris Kazlauskas Client Relations Consultant and Marketing Coordinator An important component of print media buying is ad placement in niche products. These specialty publications target a segment of the population based on specific topics, demographics, interests or lifestyles. Common examples are: Ethnic publications target members of a specific cultural community, such as African American, […]