2022 Newspaper Advertising Trends

by Brad Simpson

President MANSI Media

There’s no doubt that the last two years have made it increasingly difficult to make predictions about what the future will hold. They have also provided advertisers with a myriad of challenges as well as opportunities to try new platforms and unique approaches.

While I don’t have a crystal ball to gaze into, I do have some informed ideas about trends that I think will continue, grow or launch in 2022. I can’t wait to look back in December and see how my predictions fared!

Newspapers continue to be vital

While none of us wants to continue thinking about the virus, variants and vaccines, these topics are vitally important. Consumers are still seeking accurate, unbiased information. Coupled with a critical election year, both on the state and federal fronts, newspaper content will continue to be sought after.

One of the reasons is that newspapers remain the most trusted medium. According to one Nielsen Report, newspapers are rated as the source that operates ethically and has the public’s best interest in mind. Additionally, a Verizon Media study found 29% of consumers say they feel more favorable toward brands they see advertising on news sites they trust.

Additionally, the News Media Alliance reported that 82% of news media consumers trust print ads versus only 43% who trust ads on social media.

Advertising in newspapers ensures a halo effect, where positive values of trust associated with the news media brand are transferred to the advertising brand.

Advertisers see growth in their budgets

According to AdAge, WPP’s GroupM, Publicis Groupe’s Zenith and IPG’s Magna are predicting unprecedented growth for the ad industry in 2022. In fact, GroupM’s annual forecast projects that global ad spending across all platforms will top $1 trillion by 2025.

While an increase in budgets is certainly to be expected as we enter a post-pandemic future, this growth is significant. Where advertisers spend their budgets, of course, continues to trend toward digital platforms, with a solid two-thirds of advertising anticipated to land online over the next few years.

We’ve certainly seen this trend in newspaper advertising. More clients are exploring local newspaper websites as valuable options for placing trusted, local advertising. Many of our clients are also realizing the value of multichannel advertising – providing consumers more opportunities to interact with brands through print, digital and other platforms.

RIP cookies

While they are not gone yet, third-party cookies are experiencing their last gasp. As you are likely aware, Google announced that it will stop supporting third-party cookies in the Chrome browser in 2023. Because Chrome is the browser of choice for most Americans, this is a big deal and will affect how consumers are targeted by advertisers and the ability of advertisers to collect detailed information and data on their consumers.

In an upcoming post, we will take a deeper dive into this topic, along with some ideas we have for helping marketers begin to rethink how they can connect with their desired audiences. However, it stands to reason that a shift in digital audience strategy will be a necessary investment in 2022.

Storytelling as a marketing tool grows

Storytelling is a trend we’ve been keeping an eye on for the last few years and is an essential tool for marketers. Brands that invest in connecting on a human level with their consumers experience greater levels of trust and brand loyalty. Storytelling offers the opportunity to be unforgettable among a sea of competitors who may have similar products – stories evoke emotion, and emotion is a crucial element in forming memories.

Newspapers offer fantastic opportunities to further your brand’s story. Consider the options for sponsored content or advertorial, where you direct the editorial nature of a piece placed alongside trusted, local content. And the sponsored content can take many formats, from a traditional long-form article to an infographic, a listicle, and even thought-leadership articles.

Perhaps one of the best all-time examples of this strategy is Netflix’s expose in The New York Times. The article, titled “Women Inmates, Why the Male Model Doesn’t Work,” provided a long-form read that was well-designed and included multimedia elements all to support Netflix’s binger, “Orange Is the New Black.”

Newspapers offer a variety of possibilities to share your story and make meaningful connections with your desired audience.

Reimagined advertising development and placement will increase

Marketing research has taught us that it takes a minimum of three impressions before a consumer will consider responding to an ad. In today’s competitive media environment, consumers are inundated with messaging on a variety of platforms. In order for your ad to be impactful and cut through clutter, 2022 will be the time when advertisers revisit their advertising design and placement.

  • Unique placements – many newspaper ads are traditionally placed in run-of-paper positions. However, due to their eye-catching appeal, spadeas and front-page Post ItÓ will make their way onto more media plans. Similarly, on the digital front, homepage takeovers that grab the reader’s attention will become more prevalent.
  • Unusual creative – to increase consumer engagement, advertisers will update their previous ad designs in new and imaginative ways. This Pinterest board offers some inspiring examples.
  • Combined print and digital experiences will grow in popularity. Before the pandemic, QR codes seemed to be on the way out. But thanks to many restaurants that have replaced print menus with QR codes, consumers are more comfortable scanning them for information. Advertisers will seek new ways to connect their print ads to interesting digital experiences. Check out these creative examples at Hubspot.

If you are looking to implement a new approach to your newspaper and digital ad buys in 2022, MANSI Media is here to help.