How Often Should I Advertise?

By Nick Wenger, Director of Media Operations

I bet right now, you can think of an ad jingle for a product or service that you can sing, word for word, off the top of your head. Is it because you really love that jingle for insulated windows? Is it because you are vibing on that insurance company with no mascot or jingles? Probably not – but your perfect recall IS because these advertisers have invested in multiple, repeated airings of their campaigns.

The same goes for print ads. There are campaigns with such a distinct feel and look that you know who the ad is for before you ever see a logo.

With the proliferation of media fragmentation, retailers must cut through the clutter with message repetition. It takes time for consumers to recognize and react to brand messaging, and high advertising frequency is necessary to impact behavior, particularly motivation to purchase products and services.

The frequency of ad placements is a vital factor that is important to the success of any advertising campaign. It is also an important consideration that can allow for flexibility when sticking to a tight budget is crucial. Here are some great tips for newspaper ad frequency.

What is Frequency?

  • Frequency is the number of times a consumer or household is exposed to an advertising message.
  • The objective of higher advertising frequency is to increase interest in a product or service.
  • Higher frequency helps to drive ad recall and brand recognition.

Frequency by the Numbers

  • A minimum of THREE exposures is required before consumers even consider a product or service. That doesn’t necessarily mean they will buy it after three; that means they will CONSIDER the product!
  • An ad frequency between four to 12 is optimal. This number ensures that your audience is becoming familiar with you or your product and isn’t experiencing fatigue or ad overload.
  • When running 13 or more ad insertions, be sure to change the copy, so consumers don’t develop ad exhaustion.

When to Increase Frequency

  • There are times when increasing frequency can very positively benefit your campaign. Some of these opportunities include:
  • When you are introducing a new product, brand, or company.
  • The launch of a new campaign message.
  • Times when your campaign has complex messaging.
  • When your competitors are actively advertising.
  • If your offer is time-sensitive or seasonal.

Keeping Frequency Affordable

  • Keep your message recognizable by running it in one media and focusing on repetition.
  • Run a smaller-sized ad unit more frequently instead of a one-time larger ad.
  • Add frequency around the first and 15th of each month (or targeting Fridays), as these tend to be paydays. This increases the effectiveness of advertising in terms of sales. People usually have spending money when they receive their paychecks.

The Exceptions

When it comes to frequency, there are many products and advertisers that benefit from ongoing, varied exposure.

  • Consider a grocery store with weekly specials and sales; they need weekly frequency.
  • Companies that rely on significant amounts of lead generation – particularly home improvement companies – find substantially improved results with ongoing advertising frequency.
  • Multichannel advertising can be an effective way to increase ad frequency quickly. Advertising in a local paper, both online and in print, can help to improve your brand recognition and quickly reach the optimal frequency number.

If you are interested in investigating opportunities or packages that grow your ad frequency, MANSI Media’s talented, experienced team of media buyers can help you build packages that maximize your reach and spend. Connect with us today to learn more.