Reach over 2.1 million with one phone call!
Pennsylvania’s Statewide Classified Advertising Network – the affordable way to get the widest exposure in classified newspaper advertising for your money.
The classifieds. You know, that place in the back of the paper where people look for jobs, sell cars, research real estate, and adopt a new pet. Did you know that it’s one of the most read sections of any newspaper? It’s also the same place where you can place a line ad.
Our affordable statewide advertising option is a great way to get your message in front of readers and leave you with money to burn. And best of all, MANSI Media can place your line ad in classified sections all over the state of Pennsylvania quickly and easily.
Our system, called PennSCAN*, helps you reach millions of readers from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia and anywhere in between. It is our statewide newspaper advertising network that helps us capture many papers across the Keystone State for your campaign or focus your campaign in the west or the east.
- Full State
- Cost $495
- Circulation 2,100,157
- Western Zone
- Cost $275
- Circulation 698,927
- Eastern Zone
- Cost $330
- Circulation 1,401,590
The cost for the first 25 words is only $495 for statewide placement, $275 for the western zone and $330 for the eastern zone. Cost is $10 for each additional word. Payment must be made prior to publication.
Word Count
Calculating the cost of your classified ad is simple. Telephone numbers (including area code) count as one word. For addresses, count house number and street as two words; box number and route numbers are two words; post office and box numbers count as two words. Name of the city, state, and zip code each count as one word.
List of Participating Newspapers
Get your line ad and payment to our office by noon on the Wednesday before the week of publication and we’ll do the rest. Email it to As an added bonus, set-up a 4-week campaign with MANSI Media and we’ll throw in the 5th week for free.
Who could say no to that?