2x2 Statewide Network
Lots of exposure, little price.

Are you faced with having to do more with less? It’s no secret. Many advertisers have been forced to cut their ad budgets. Savvy advertisers know that in order to be successful, you have to advertise as frequently as possible. Lucky for you – MANSI Media may have the answer. Have you ever wished that you could get your business card out to over 2.1 million people across Pennsylvania, regularly and inexpensively?

Look no further. MANSI Media can place your 2 column x 2” ad (business card size) in over 150 participating newspapers within the state of Pennsylvania. All you have to do is write some copy, add in a photo or graphic and be sure to include your contact information in the ad. Then simply send your 2×2 ad along with payment to our office by noon on the Monday before the week of publication and we’ll do the rest.

2x2 Statewide Advertising Program for Pennsylvania



2×2 Ad 1 week 4 weeks 12 weeks 24 weeks
Statewide $1,600 $1,360 $1,280 $1,120
West Zone $600 $510 $480 $420
Central Zone $400 $340 $320 $280
Northeast Zone $270 $230 $216 $189
Southeast Zone $580 $495 $460 $406


Ad Design

Camera-ready copy is preferred. Email PDF with all fonts attached to chrisk@mansimedia.com.


Ad copy and prepayment must be received by Monday at 11 a.m. for placement the following week.


All Affordable 2×2 statewide Network advertisements must be prepaid. Visa/Mastercard or American Express are accepted. Checks should be made payable to MANSI Media.


List of Participating Newspapers


It’s your choice – Create a 2×2 for statewide placement in PA or focus your campaign in the west, central, northeast, or southeast. We’ll do the work to get it placed and give you our network rates that can’t be beaten! We also have a national 2×2 network where you can reach over 36 million readers across the country with just one call to MANSI Media.

By advertising in MANSI Media’s 2 x 2 statewide program, you will receive a highly discounted rate of $1,525 to reach over 2.1 million people across Pennsylvania. Plus, set-up a 4-week campaign and we’ll throw in the 5th week for free. It’s a great deal. Call us today to get your name in front of your potential customers!

Pennsylvania’s Affordable 2×2 statewide Network includes over 150 participating newspapers working for you. Reaching over 2.1 million readers, this is your low-cost solution.